Making The Most of Every Day
Ysgol Gynradd Markham
Markham Primary School
"Nurtured and Inspired we are Ready to Inquire, Succeed and Excel."

Young Carers
At Markham Primary School, we are proud to have achieved the ‘basics award’ from the Young Carers in School Programme and are currently working towards the ‘beyond the basics award’.

We are aware that some of our pupils are young carers.
A young carer is someone under 18 who is caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is mentally or physically unwell, frail, disabled or who misuses substances. They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult.
Research suggests there are at least 800,000 young carers in the UK but many do not realise they are a young carer. This means there could be 6 young carers in a class of 30.
We know that young carers may need a little extra support to enjoy and do well at school. At Markham Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils who are young carers are identified and supported effectively.
As the Young Carers’ Lead, Mrs Marlow has responsibility for ensuring all young carers are able to enjoy school and make good progress. If you think your child might be a young carer, or could be affected by any of the issues we’ve highlighted, please let us know by contacting Mrs Marlow in confidence either personally at school, through the school’s telephone number or by emailing Youngcarers@markhamprimary.org. All information is always treated sensitively and confidentially.